Accidental Invention

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I have this ancient book on Native American beading techniques.  It is not the easiest to follow.  The pictures and illustrations do not correspond with patterns in every case.  This was one of those cases. 

I saw a pattern which was a bit like a double daisy stich.  All of the daisies and centres are done in the same background colour, apart from 3 roses with leaves, which are evenly spaced in the necklace.  
I tried to follow the pattern.  I tried and unpicked and swore several times.  Then I thought I had finally hit the nail on the head.  Until i re-counted that is.  I found I had not done things exactly as per pattern.  My variation, however looked better so I carried on.
I'm really happy with the end result, even though it is not the same as the pattern I had intended on reproducing.  I may have to try a few other colours to see how my new pattern looks.  I'll keep you posted.